10 sanyasi images captured by vividphotozone. Life style of sanyasi

“Sanyasi is a person who lives without a family life in various places. They lead a simple life, often residing in historical locations such as the area around mosques and mausoleums, where they live apart from their family members. Most of the time, they are absorbed in meditation, although sometimes they may live with family members. They mainly focus on spiritual life. Sanyasis wear different types of dress codes, often opting for dirty and torn clothes, with red being a common choice. Their attire reflects their spiritual nature and lifestyle. They don’t clean their clothes every day, usually only once or twice a month. They often wear their clothes for long periods, resulting in dirty attire.

Their hairstyle is distinctive, with long and curly hair commonly seen. They rarely wash their hair, believing that the curly hairstyle always looks good.

They have many devotees and adhere to a strict diet, abstaining from meat and alcohol. They often eat once a day, consuming food offered by their followers, which typically includes fruits and flowers. They believe that their sustenance comes from their god.

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